Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, December 17, 2010

Two weeks old today

It's hard to believe but Derek is two weeks old today! Time really does fly! Last night when we went to see him we got to hear him cry for the first time. That was very bittersweet. Hearing him cry means he is getting stronger but not being able to pick him up to comfort him was difficult. It was nice that when I put my hands on his head and his feet he calmed down almost instantly. He had some gas and that was why he was crying but to not pick him up was tough. 

Today they bumped him up to 14ml's of milk. 15 ml's is half an oz. so he is almost there. They are adding a fortifier to my milk and have discontinued his IV nutrition so they will be taking out his PICC line which is the only IV he has left. I know he will be happy to have his arm free from the arm board :) 

I am very happy my little angel is doing so well. I am lucky and I count my blessings every day. However, I do have moments where I feel cheated. My baby is still supposed to be in my belly. I should still be feeling him moving around in there. Randy never got to feel him kick. I don't dwell on these thoughts but I know its important to acknowledge them. I know that everything happens for a reason. While I don't know why this happened, for whatever reason my little peanut is growing better on the outside than he was on the inside.  He is my little miracle and I am grateful that we were able to get him delivered and he is getting such great care.

Here are a couple more photos:

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